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A New Direction for Midknight Hereos

Midknight Heroes is undergoing a shift in our approach, starting with the success of our recent Kickstarter campaign, Midknight Heroes Expansion. We plan to continue with this format for future Kickstarters, each with its own unique theme and style. Midknight Heroes Expansion is nearly complete and will be delivered in a matter of weeks. We are thrilled with the progress made so far and plan to launch another Kickstarter during the summer months.

However, this is just one of the many changes happening at Midknight Heroes.

Fans can check out some of the miniatures that have already been completed for the Expansion.

Midknight Heroes is making changes to our game, Dual Fates, based on the overwhelmingly positive feedback received from fans. Starting from April 17th, 2023, Dual Fates rulebook and all related PDF resources will be available for free. We intend to keep it this way and the only time fans will need to pay is for a physical copy of the game resources, including cards.

Midknight Heroes wants Dual Fates to become a major player in the industry and is already planning to introduce new modes of play. Additionally, the company is discussing bringing Manapath on board in the future as the line expands. Fans can access the Dual Fates rulebook on Midknight Heroes' Discord server, as well as on our Patreon. We encourage fans to join our Patreon at the $3 tier, as it will help us produce more content for the game and support our efforts.

We previously mentioned Discord, which is a resource that we didn't fully utilize in the past. However, going forward, we will be making an effort to make the most of it. Like this blog, we will be sharing information about all of our activities, and you will probably receive it earlier on Discord than on other platforms. We are currently in the process of uploading the rule book and character codex to the Discord server for everyone to access. You can find the Discord server by clicking HERE.

We're making significant changes to our annual events, Super Summer and Super Chibi Weekend. While we can't reveal our plans yet since they're still in progress, we can say that the summer season will be the perfect time to purchase miniatures from Midknight Heroes.

Moving forward, we will be re-evaluating our affiliate program as it has not been performing as expected. We may need to make adjustments or consider removing it altogether. We will provide more information as we develop our plans.

So that is it for now and we as always thank you so much for your support. Without you we could not be doing what we do.

Brian and the Midknight Heroes Team

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